Learning to walk!!!

Learning to walk!!!

Our Little Buddha!

Our Little Buddha!
Mama, Papa....when are you comming????

Monday, June 7, 2010

Many Changes!

So.....after almost a year of waiting, we meet this pretty little girl while waiting to get our photos with Santa, and yes we do this almost every year! Her name is Sadena, and her mom is Angie, we started talking and we found out we have several friends in common, friends we have meet at our "monthly support group", Sadena was born with a cleft lip.cleft palate but was repaired before he Mama & Papa meet her, she was our inspiration, she was adorable and she made friends with Holt almost instantly. After that we had our annual Chinese New Year celebration and there we meet with Susan Anderson Moore and her incredible family, another inspiration for us, so we went home that afternoon and we decided to go with special needs better known as 'waiting children". We summited our application with an opened our preference for either a boy or a girl, and waited some more......Exactly a year later, just a day or two before Valentines day and Chinese New Year, we got a call from our agency, but we were not home and they left a short msg, nothing specific. We were wondering all weekend what this call could be about....... Monday morning I sent out an e-mail to Stephanie and she e-mailed back with the news that she had a file of a little boy exactly a year old with cleft lip/palate un-repaired. And we said yes and she sent us the file, I had asked Stephanie to send the file to my work as well as to my home e-mail so both Holt and i could read it at the same time! And after Holt read it he said he was perfect, so I opened the file via my Blackberry and the first thin that I saw was his eyes! They said so much, and at that moment I knew he was our son. We called Stephanie and told her that we wanted to be his "FOREVER FAMILY".....

1 comment:

  1. We had similar experiences waiting to be matched with Isaac. Many blessings as you prepare to meet your son! We are always super excited when another little boy finds his forever family. :o)
